Flexible PVC Compound Natural Injection

Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride Compound was developed for the footwear industry and can be used in a variety of applications.

The compound is sold in the form of pellets and packed in bags of 25 Kg.

Compound Description Specific Gravity Firmness
PVC Compound IN/155 1.23 55
PVC Compound IN/158 1.20 58
PVC Compound IN/255BG 1.19 55
PVC Compound IN/162 1.20 61
PVC Compound IN/164 1.22 64
PVC Compound IN/165 1.26 67
PVC Compound IN/265 1.21 64
PVC Compound IN/362 1.27 65
PVC Compound IN/365 1.22 65
PVC Compound IN/168 1.25 65
PVC Compound IN/171 1.28 72
PVC Compound IN/271 1.22 70
PVC Compound IN/177 1.26 78
PVC Compound IN/178 1.27 80
PVC Compound IN/184 1.26 85
PVC Compound IN/186 1.31 88
PVC Compound IN/196 1.30 96

Calle L-2, Ciudad Merliot, La Libertad,
El Salvador, C.A.

Typsa El Salvador


PBX: (503) 2510-2100
TEL: (503) 2278-1155
FAX: (503) 2278-2151