Flexible PVC Compound Glass Injection

Flexible Expanded compound developed for the Footwear Industry and has a great success for his versatility.

The compound is sold in the form of pellets and packed in bags of 25 Kg.

Compound Description Specific Gravity Firmness
PVC Compound IC/154 1.16 53
PVC Compound IC/158 1.19 59
PVC Compound IC/161 1.18 60
PVC Compound IC/163 1.19 65
PVC Compound IC/163 RA 1.24 63
PVC Compound IC/163 RQ 1.19 61
PVC Compound IC/165 1.19 64
PVC Compound IC/165-AT 1.18 65
PVC Compound IC/165-GM 1.18 63
PVC Compound IC/170 1.21 71
PVC Compound IC/170-AT 1.20 70
PVC Compound IC/174 1.20 75
PVC Compound IC/177 1.23 77
PVC Compound IC/182 1.23 82
PVC Compound IC/184 1.25 85
PVC Compound IC/184-AT 1.23 84
PVC Compound IC/194-GA 1.23 85
PVC Compound IC/196-AT 1.27 96
PVC Compound IC/198-GM 1.31 97

Calle L-2, Ciudad Merliot, La Libertad,
El Salvador, C.A.

Typsa El Salvador


PBX: (503) 2510-2100
TEL: (503) 2278-1155
FAX: (503) 2278-2151